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Masonic Charities

Masonic Charities

Principal Masonic Charities

What about the charitable side to Freemasonry? United Grand Lodge of England's site explains Masonic charitable bodies in detail so we will only provide an outline.
Key points however are that Grand Charity's running costs represent 13% of total expenditure which makes it amongst the most efficient in the UK - much more so than most of the more "media savvy" UK charities.

Funded entirely through the generosity of Freemasons and their families, the Masonic Charitable Foundation is one of the largest grant-making charities in the country.
Most of the support provided by the Masonic Charitable Foundation takes the form of financial grants to individuals and families to assist with daily living costs.  We can also award grants to provide specific items or services.
A range of health and care needs, including medical and dental treatments, counselling and mobility aids or home adaptations are supported, with funding also available for respite, residential, nursing and dementia care.
Our professional Advice and Support team offers confidential and practical guidance about the support available from the Masonic Charitable Foundation and many other organisations.
In addition to the support we provide to Freemasons and their families, the Masonic Charitable Foundation awards millions of pounds each year to local and national charities that help vulnerable people, advance medical research and provide opportunities for young people.
We also help to fund vital services such as hospices and air ambulances and regularly contribute to worldwide appeals for disaster relief.  In total, our support helps to improve the lives of thousands of people every year in England, Wales and internationally.
The Foundation brings together the work of four national Charities which had been operating separately under various names since the early 18th Century.

Key Masonic charities and Initiatives include:-

60 Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5AZ
This replaced:
Grand Charity
Helping with National financial need
60 Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5AZ
The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution
Helping older people
The New Masonic Samaritan Fund
Helping the sick
Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys
Helping Young People

London Masonic Charitable Trust
Generating aid from the London area and coordinating donations to selected charities
eg Prostate Cancer Research & the RNID

Undergrad Aid
Run by the MTGB and offers means tested grants to Masonic children reading a first degree subject to meeting certain criteria.

Run by the MTGB and offers means tested grants to Masonic children (subject to certain criteria) with particular gifts (eg music sport or drama) that need assistance to reach their potential.
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